Brookings Aeromates
Dated: February 3, 2002
Brookings Aeromates
Brookings, South Dakota
- The name of this organization shall be the Brookings Aeromates.
- The objectives of this organization are:
To foster the building and flying of radio controlled model aircraft.
To regulate the activities of members when operating under auspices of the organization.
Covenants and Restrictions
Membership is restricted to persons interested in radio controlled and, or control line model aircraft.
Use of the organization controlled flying facility is restricted to the operation of radio controlled and, or control line aircraft, unless approved in advance by a majority vote of the club.
Members will not obligate the organization in any manner not specifically sanctioned by the membership as a whole or by committee or commission authorized to act for the membership. The restriction acts specifically to require members and their guests to assume liability for their acts and to indemnify the club from liability.
Additional members will be added as provided for in the by-laws.
Termination of membership will occur as provided for in the by-laws.
A quorum is one third of the membership, except for amendment of the constitution or by-laws which will require one half of the membership, and must include two or more of the elected officers
Membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is a prerequisite to active membership in the Brookings Aeromates.
New Members
- One who pledges in writing, stating their willingness to be governed by the constitution and the by-laws of this organization.
- At the next regular meeting the applicant will be accepted by majority vote of the membership present.
- Proof of valid AMA membership, or an AMA membership application made with fee paid to AMA and club dues will be required to complete active membership
Membership Termination
- Members may terminate their membership, or may be terminated by majority vote of the members present, by failure to pay either AMA or club fees within day of due date.
- A member may be terminated for cause when charges are brought forth by a member, in an open meeting. After discussion of charge, the members present shall vote to dismiss, or bring action against the charged member. If the member is then present, the charge will be made and defended, and final vote taken. A two-thirds majority of the members present is necessary to terminate a member. If the member is not present, the president will notify the member of the charge and of the date and time of the next meeting, at which final action will be taken. In all cases, the member proffering charges must be identified to the whole membership.
Membership Classification
- Members shall be "ACTIVE", "HONORARY", or "ASSOCIATE" as defined by AMA in the official Model Aircraft Regulation.
Officers and Election of Officers
The following officers will be elected to fulfill the requirements of the constitution.
- President: the executive head of the organization, the president officiates at all general membership meetings, and other meetings he/she may call. The president may appoint any member to act for he/she at meetings if both he and the vice-president are unable to attend. Special officers may be appointed by the president to take charge of flying site, club projects, or club property.
- Vice-president: The assistant to the President, the vice-president performs duties assigned to him by the President, and acts for the President in his/her absence. Vice-president becomes President the next year.
- Secretary: The club recorder. The Secretary records executive decisions and appointments, votes for membership, and is responsible for keeping minutes of the general membership meeting to provide the club with a historical record of acts and policy.
- Treasurer: Responsible for club assets, the treasurer receives and disburses funds and reports to the membership on his transactions.
Election of officers shall be held during the first meeting in December of each year. New and reelected officers will assume their offices as of the first business meeting in January.
A simple majority will elect. If more than two members are nominated and none receive a majority, the two with the largest numbers of votes will be voted upon for the office to determine the winner.
The officers of the organization shall be elected for a term of one year. Replacements are required to fill unexpired terms.
All active members shall be entitled to vote
Dues, Fees, and Assessments
Annual dues shall be as follows
- Active adult member $50.00
- Family membership $65.00
- Active student member $25.00
- Associate member $5.00
All active members must be AMA members Any member of the immediate family (18 years of age or younger) of a regular adult member qualifies under the family membership.
All dues shall be due and payable during the month of December each year for the period from January 1 through December 31 of the following year.
Any person that becomes a active member after the date of September 1, will pay full membership dues for that year and will receive a $25 break on the following years dues (Due in December).
Meetings shall be held at a time and place convenient for most members. And are currently set for the first Sunday of the month.
There will be at least one general membership meeting each month.
Special meetings will be held at the call of the President to conduct urgent or timely business. Only business item on the agenda will be acted upon. Minutes of any special meeting will be recorded and reported at a general membership meeting.
Committees and Appointive Officers
Newsletter Editor- In charge of producing and distributing the monthly newsletter of this club. Appointed by the President.
A majority vote of the membership or a decision of the president will form a committee.
Committees are to promote the objective of the club and are open to all members of the club.
Committees will be allowed to make expenditures and decisions for the club only to the extent approved by member present at the general membership meeting.
The constitution and by-laws shall be amended by vote after the change is published in the newsletter.
All amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of the voting members voting at a general membership meeting.